“You’re Aging Well”

The challenges of ageing, and the societal pressures that come along with it, shape the lyrics of “You’re Aging Well” by Dar Williams (1993), encouraging the listeners to embrace their own unique journey as they age.

In this reading comprehension lesson (B2 and above), the students first read and listen to each part of the song (A, B and C), complete the signs and speech bubbles with lines from the lyrics, answer the comprehension questions for each section, and finally discuss the questions that are open to interpretation.

A – “You never can win”, “Watch your back”, “Where’s your husband?” / “This is your year”, “It always starts here”

B – “Don’t hold us back, we’re the story you tell” / “We’re so glad that you finally made it here,
You thought nobody cared, but we did, we could tell”
C – “With the things you know now, that only time could tell”

As a follow-up task, have the students write a letter to their future self, sharing their aspirations, fears, and advice. In my case, teenagers are typically more focused on the present and future aspects of their lives, such as school, friendships, personal development, and future goals, and ageing isn’t a primary concern for them. They can, however, reflect on other related worries such as the pressure to conform to societal expectations, body image issues, or uncertainty about their own future:

1. INTRODUCTION: Start your letter by addressing your future self. For example, you can write “Dear Future Me” or “To My Older Self.” Then, share how you feel right now about getting older. Are you excited, nervous, or curious? Explain why you feel this way.

2. ASPIRATIONS: In this part, share your dreams, goals, and hopes for the future. Be specific and describe what you want to achieve or experience as you grow older.

Example: One thing I really want to do is travel to different countries and learn about different cultures. I hope to see famous places like the Eiffel Tower in Paris and the Great Wall of China. I also dream of becoming a successful artist and showing my artwork in galleries.

3. FEARS AND CONCERNS: This section is for discussing any worries or fears you have about ageing. Think about how you can overcome these worries.

Example: I’m worried about losing contact with my childhood friends as we go our separate ways. But I think if we make an effort to stay in touch and talk to each other, we can keep our friendship strong, even if we’re far away from each other.

4. ADVICE AND ENCOURAGEMENT: Give yourself supportive and practical advice based on what you know and have experienced so far.

Example: I think it’s important to be around positive and supportive people who encourage you to grow and improve.


Wouldn’t it be cool if a few of them kept their letters and revisited them in the future?

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